
How does Schindler ensure relational excellence by offering a solution to 100% of calls?


Omnichannel approach

Omnichannel approach

Schindler has a duty to respond to every incoming call, especially those related to emergency and assistance services. To achieve this, it was necessary to adopt an omnichannel approach to contact paths, and thus relieve the telephone channel of its workload.


  • Ensure relational excellence 
  • Deal with peaks in activity
  • Prioritize calls
  • Promote and complement digital channels




Web callback

Key results

Digitization 26% of calls
Avoided calls 6% towards digital self-care
Reachability 100% 24/7 customer service

To get there

Schindler has deployed DialOnce Visual IVR to support its helpdesk, offering alternative solutions to the telephone.

Find out more about Visual IVR

"DialOnce's strength: its teams are completely immersed in our businesses. This is also what enabled us to succeed with the project. The teams adapt to the needs of the business. We can see that our customers are adopting it, so it's been a successful trial, and we can't wait to go further with the solution."

Brigitte Kinge Priso

Directrice de filiale - Managing Director Schindler Télé-contrôle

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